Thank you for visiting Immanuel Christian Centre website. Here you will see the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available at ICCkeresley.
We would love to greet you in person and share with you our love for Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
people to Jesus,
them to be fully
devoted followers
of Christ.
Our Vision
We believe that people's lives are transformed by the power of God though a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We aim to reach every man woman and child with the good news that God loves them and sent His only Son to set us free from the power of sin and death giving us new life in Him.
With God's help, we aim to do this in our local community, and with the help of other Christians, in our city, nation and world.
We aim to do this in a relevant and contemporary way to every age group.
Services are held in the main Church:
On a Sunday pre-service prayer is at 10:00-10:20, followed by the main service from 11:00 am. As well as, Sunday school (5-11)
along with Encounter (11-17)
Monday- Coffee Stop
11:30 AM-2:00 PM
Tuesday - Life Group
7:00 PM
Thursday- TOTs (Toddler Group) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Friday- SPLAT (Children 5-8)
Friday- Awesome (Children 9-12)
6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Any additional services will be announced in our notices video and on our website.